Shipping/Delivery Policy


How long will my order take to arrive? 

All orders are processed and shipped within 24 hours during the business week (days between and including Monday to Friday and do not include public holidays and weekends). Your order will be processed and shipped same business day if made before 9 a.m. EST

Standard Shipping (4-7)4-7 business days
Standard Shipping (2-5)

2-5 business days

Economy Shipping (8-12)8-12 business days

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship internationally. When shipping outside U.S., customers are responsible for their own duty taxes on the items they order. These are our shipping methods:

Standard International Shipping (3-20) 3-20 business days

Do you offer discreet shipping?

Absolutely! Privacy and discretion are a top priority for us. Your products will be shipped in plain cardboard boxes or mailers. The originating address will be discreet also, for example the shipping label will state from "Shipping department", and the address.

Do you ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Australia and Europe?


Do you ship to  P.O. Boxes?


What are your shipping rates?

We use a weight based shipping method. The final shipping rate depends on the shipping method that you have selected and on the total weight of the ordered items. We provide a shipping rates calculator on your cart page that will help you estimate the total shipping costs before completing the checkout process.